Rap File For Ps2 Classics Psn

  • EP0000-NPED1234500-AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD.rap 2. Copy the new rap to the RAPS folder of PS2 Classic GUI 3. Extract the files of the PKG of your base game (except CONFIG and ISO.BIN.ENC, they will be deletedreplaced anyway) 4. Launch PS2 Classic GUI, select the ISO and enter the new content id. Add the LIMG header and encrypt the ISO as ISO.BIN.ENC 6.
  • The following titles refer to games on PSOne, you can check out all All PS2 Classics On PSN here. All PlayStation Classics # Titles. 2Xtreme: $5.99 PSP / PS Vita / PS3.
  • I Tried to run PS2 Classics PKG (official one) on RPCS3 but i have no option to running it why is that? The rap file is in his place. That PKG supposed to work on PS3 systems so why on RPCs3 it is not valid PKG? (on Pic '12' you can see PKG ID with Google search that confirm that it's working on PS3).
  • Ps2 Classic Placeholder Rap File Sorry guys I realise in hindsight that reads like a bit of a drive by post. The main reason to switch to sMan is it is maintained by the original creator of WebMan it still enables you to manage your fans, mount games and connect to a network, but has a much, much lower memory footprint which helps with.

Ive made a few PS1 classics and they work fine, but my PS2 Classics dont. I havent used Managun or anything, since that seems to cause this for a lot of people. Huawei mobile partner mac high sierra. I followed the guide to create a PKG with the PS2 Classics GUI (v2.2.2) and installed the placeholder PKG for the rap file that the included tools generate, then installed my games. Harry potter full movie online, free youtube.

[Guide] Convert any PS2 ISO to PS2 Classic
Note: This guide will have technical details to a minimum, to avoid confusion. But, assumes that the user knows how to install PKG files on the PS3, and how to transfer files to the internal hard disk drive of the PS3 console.
In this guide you will learn how to convert PS2 games in ISO format to PS2 Classic, making any game playable on your PS3 console.


Since I understand that even when things have been simplifying in the recent days, it can be tedious to be moving, replacing, copying ISO files over the USRDIR of the PS2 Classics Placeholder. So, I have a proposed a PS3 homebrew application that when finished will allow the users to browse a list of PS2 ISOs located on your Internal / External hard disk drive and from there with a simple press of a button automatically do the moving / renaming process, so you can go back to XMB and play the game selected.
The good thing about doing this kind of application, is that it can be made to display game covers, information, etc as well. So at the end we would have a very organized list of our PS2 backups.
The development of this application will be done mostly on weekends when I have the most free time. On week days I have university so I will not be able to work a lot on it, maybe add small modules and pieces of code.
So keep using PS2 Classics Placeholder for a while, and most of all, enjoy playing PS2 on your PS3!!!

@flatz , @IngPereira , @LoOzers, @aldostools , @baargle , fail0verfl0w, @Graf _chokolo, and everybody else involved in the ps2classic dev stuff.
Thanks to all the users who have shown their support and given me nice comments, I appreciate it .
UPDATE: USERS ON REBUG 4.21.1 must update to latest release, or you will not be able to play PS2 Classics (Thanks to @ploggy and others for reporting)
- PS2 Classic Placeholder PKG R3 [updated 2013-03-26!]
- RAP file to activate the PS2 Classic Placeholder PKG
- reActPSN (used only once, to activate the PS2 Placeholder PKG)
- @aldostools 's ps3tools v2.2.4 [updated 2013-03-22!]
- @aldostools 's ps2classic GUI v1.6.1 [updated 2013-03-25!]
- Any PS2 game ISO
All of the requirements can be downloaded here (except the PS2 ISO xD LOL!)
[anonfiles] ps2_to_ps2classic_tools_v2.rar [15 MB] [updated 2013-03-26!]
1- Copy the provided 'exdata' directory to a external USB Storage Device (FAT32).
2- Install the provided 'PS2 Classic Placeholder PKG' to your PS3.
3- You will now have a new icon on the XMB, but it is not activated, and of course doesn't have the PS2 game ISO yet.
4- Install the provided 'reActPSN PKG' to your PS3.
5- Create a new user on your PS3 called 'aa'.
6- Log in to the new user account and run 'reActPSN'
7- It will restart you PS3 and you can now log back in to your regular user account.
Note: After this step, the placeholder will be ready and you will not have to mess with reActPSN anymore. It still does not have any PS2 ISO that will be done later, keep reading.
1- Install @aldostools 's ps3tools v2.2.2
2- Go to where you just installed ps3tools and run 'PKG_ContentID.exe' (as Administrator to allow Registry write privileges) then close it (this will add the 'Make PKG..' available on the windows context menu).
3- Install / extract @aldo stool's ps2classic GUI v1.3 to anywhere you like
1- Run 'ps2classic GUI v1.3' and switch to 'Encrypt' tab.
2- Browse your PC for any PS2 game ISO and select it.
3- Copy and Paste this on the Content ID field: 2P0001-PS2U10000_00-0000111122223333
4- On the Rap File For Ps2 Classics Psnklicensee field Copy and Paste this: E4E54FD67C16C316F47829A30484D843
5- Click on 'Add LIMG Sector' button and on the next pop-up click 'Yes'.
6- Click 'Encrypt' and on the next pop-up click 'Yes'.
7- Wait for it to finish, a pop-up will come saying its completed.
8- You will now have a new file called 'ISO.BIN.ENC' (this is the converted PS2 game to PS2 Classic)
UPDATE 2: @aldostools just notified me about a new version of PS2 Classics GUI 1.4:
Originally Posted by aldostools
The CD001 is now checked at 0x8000 for DVD and 0x9318 for CD.
This version now uses the Volume Sectors located at offset 0x8050 for DVD and 0x939C for CD. If the LSD value is 0, tries to use the MSD value. If both values are 0, then it uses the former method using fixed sector sizes 0x800/0x930.
The sector size and number of sectors is now displayed, like in ImgBurn, so now it can be easily compared with the ones in the LIMG.
Other minor changes were made.. I hope that this build help to improve the creation of the images (specially the CD ones).
UPDATE 1: PS2 Classics 1.3.2 now has a ISO9660 check (it looks if offset 0x8000 has the CD001 magic) (Thanks to @aldostools )
NOTE: When selecting the desired ISO on step 2, make sure to use ISOs that were built as ISO9660 with sectors of 2048 bytes. You can verify this with ImgBurn.
Then you should open the ISO with a hex editor and check the offset 0x8000 (sector 16), the standard ISO9660 Identifier (CD001) should be located exactly there, if there is other data at that point of the ISO, then probably you have an ISO that was built as binary, as a result it will have a different sector structure.
There are various method you can transfer the new 'ISO.BIN.ENC' to your PS3, where you installed the 'PS2 Classics Placeholder PKG', I will mention them here to give you an idea:
Method 1:
Use the 'PS2U10000' directory structure provided to make a game update package

Rap File For Ps2 Classics

. You just have to put the 'ISO.BIN.ENC' on the 'USRDIR' and use 'ps3tools' to make a package of the whole directory structure.
If the size of the PKG is more than 4GB then you will have to Rap file for ps2 classics psn gameClassicssplit it using any of the tools available for that (they must have extension of

List Of Ps2 Classics

.66600, .66601, etc.. to be installed via multiMAN).
Method 2:
Just copy the 'ISO.BIN.ENC' to your external USB Storage Device and paste it on your PS3 at '/dev_hdd0/game/PS2U10000/USRDIR/'
If the 'ISO.BIN.ENC' size is more than 4GB then you must use other method.
Method 3:
Upload the 'ISO.BIN.ENC' via FTP / multiMAN to your PS3 at '/dev_hdd0/game/PS2U10000/USRDIR/'
Thanks to @gingerbread for this , please help him up with this list, it will be useful and nice to have a documentation of the games that work fine, etc.
Originally Posted by gingerbread
I have add the titles users have reported.
For Reporting (Do not use All Caps)
Game Title :
Region :
Game ID :
Status :
CFW Version :
Additional Information :
Save Working :
PS3 Model Tested On:
For users who wants to contribute to this please PM me your gmail.
Thanks to @aldostools for this information, I will eventually incorporate it in my guide, for now here you have it
Originally Posted by aldostools
@Mistawes has confirmed here that the following steps WORK.
They avoid the issue of reusing the same ContentID and rap for all the games converted:
In short: you copy the rap of your base game, rename it with a new (invented) content id/title id and encrypt the ISO and create the PKG using that new content id.

  • Converts your purchased PSN-content, like Games, PS1- PS2-Classics, DLCs, Minis, Themes and Avatars that normally needs activation.
  • As input you can either use PKG-Files or copied '/dev_hdd0/games/[GameID]'-folders
  • Optional integration of game-updates, unlock-PKGs/EDATs and DLCs
  • Converts PSN-games into disc-games (folder- or ISO- format)
  • Resigns all PSN-content to 3.55
  • Automatic and manual conversion of '*.rif' to '*.rap' files
  • Create a 'Bubble'-PKG-Install-Disc with the liberated PSN Contents.
  • Create a 'PS2-Classics-Placeholder' rap-file
ScreenShot of Windows Application

1st Steps:
1.) Start LIBERATOR and follow assistent to the point to set up LIBERATOR for 1st use
Note: You can use the 'PSN CONTENT'-folder from the LIBERATOR's program directory. It's a possible folder structure just for to show you how to get started.. Just copy it elsewhere to follow the 'How-To-Use'-Example (see below)
1.) You need a fully installed, activated and updated PSN-game on your PS3. DLCs could be installed as well (they must be activated)
Most likely you already have a such a game on your PS3.. else got to PSN-store and buy one)

Find out the 'GameID' of the game and search in '/dev_hdd0/games/' for a folder with exactly the name of that 'GameID'

Now enter '/dev_hdd0/home/0000000x/exdata/' and search for
a) all '*.rif'-files with the 'GameID' in it's name and copy them to 'PSN CONTENTRIFsRAPs'​
b) an '*.edat'-file with the 'GameID' in it's name and copy it to 'PSN CONTENTUNLOCKS'​
(Not all games have '*.rif'- AND '*.edat'-files.. often games have only one type)
TIP: At 1st time just copy over all RIFs and EDATs you'll find.
4.) Set up in LIBERATORs main menu:
b) 'PSN Game Unlock File' = 'PSN CONTENTUNLOCKS****[GameID]****.edat' (only if you've found an *.edat' for your game)

5.) Press Button:
a)'PKG' -> Creates a liberated PKG-File​
b)'DISC GAME FOLDER' -> Creates a liberated Disc-Game-Folder​
c)'ISO' -> Creates a liberated ISO-File
Important Notes:

  • To get Update-PKGs for each game u can use my PS3 GAME UPDATER
  • Sometimes an additional Unlock-PKG-File will be created. Install it to finally liberate the game. You can 1st try the liberated game without that Unlock-PKG-File installed. Not all games need them. Just try !
  • Not all PSN-games will work when they are converted to disc. It's a matter of TRY & ERROR ! (Sometimes it works without problems, sometimes it doesn't work at all, sometimes with freezes/errors/glitches)
  • The icon ('ICON0.PNG') of every processed content will be saved in '[LIBERATOR Programmverzeichnis]GameIconCache'-folder as '[GameID].PNG'. This will most likely shorten the creation of a 'Bubble'-PKG-Install-Disc with 'Bubble'-Game-Icons.
  • While creating a 'Bubble'-PKG-Install-Disc just drag&drop the PKG-Files, which should be included in the disc.
  • Then arrange them to your likings. Create disc as game-folder or ISO.
  • If you've selected to use 'Bubbles' with game-icons LIBERATOR will 1st search in '[LIBERATOR Programmverzeichnis]GameIconCache' for a '[GameID].PNG'-file. If it's not there it will extract the PKG-file to get the 'ICON0.PNG'. This could take a long time. To avoid this you can add game-icons maunally to 'GameIconCache'. Just name them '[GameID].PNG'.
  • Keep in mind that a 'Bubble'-PKG-Install-Disc can get really big depending on the number of and size of the PKG-Files you've added.
Don't update liberated games online or offline !.. else they will be locked again !