The Hunger Games

Mar 23, 2012 Each year two young representatives from each district are selected by lottery to participate in The Hunger Games. Part entertainment, part brutal retribution for a past rebellion, the televised games are broadcast throughout Panem. The 24 participants are forced to eliminate their competitors while the citizens of Panem are required to watch. Panem is a sovereign nuclear state that was established sometime after a series of ecological disasters and a global conflict brought about the collapse of modern civilization. It is situated primarily in North America, consisting of a federal district, the Capitol, and thirteen outlying districts. For presumably the majority of its existence, Panem's government operated as an authoritarian. 'The Hunger Games' is a a good Sci-fi movie with good acting and great special effects. This movie is a great start into 'The Hunger Games' quadrilogy. And I do look forward to seeing 'Catching Fire'. Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor. Now, before we begin, we have a very special film brought to you all the way from the Capitol. a film showing the how the Hunger Games began begins President Snow narrates the film showing how The Hunger Games began President Snow: voice over War, terrible war.

The Hunger GamesHungerThe Hunger Games

Welcome, and may the odds be ever in your favor! Even though you know this simulator is literally a simulator, and that it is fiction / fantasy, we have to ask if you are 14 are older in order for you to continue!

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The Hunger Games Movies

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Immerse and entertain yourself, friends, family, and others in this simulation of completely random outcomes based off of the Hunger Games. Customize the game with your own photos by attaching the image URL or choose to simulate the game with the original 12 tributes. Go through the Bloodbath, Reaping, and the nights and days to keep up with the progression of the game and to see where and when each of you falls to failure. Please remember this simulator is only for entertainment purposes and is based on fiction, so it should not be taken seriously.

An annual event hosted by the merciless Capitol, the Hunger Games entraps one randomly selected boy and girl from each of the 12 districts, ranging from as young as 12 to no more than 18 years old. They are trapped in an arena, hidden cameras documenting their every move, for the entertainment of the nation. In this ruthless game of survival, each teen must strategically plan and look out for themselves in an unforgiving place, where climates and environments change, random challenges come out of nowhere, and trust is scarce, a place where they are forced to fight one another to the death. From facing treacherous terrain, unleashed wild blood-hungry beasts, and biological attacks like poisonous gas, the tributes are tested to their personal limits throughout these challenges and internal challenges of their own. Occasionally, an anonymous donor who favors a particular tribute may send him or her a package with supplies that will aid their gameplay and survival, like food, weapons, or medications. After each of the 24 tributes are killed off, the last one standing is that year’s heroic and celebrated victor.

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MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR! We have no affiliation with Hunger Games, book or movie. This is simply a fan site!

The hunger games catching fire

Welcome, and may the odds be ever in your favor! Even though you know this simulator is literally a simulator, and that it is fiction / fantasy, we have to ask if you are 14 are older in order for you to continue!