Rotmg How Much Dmg For Soulbound

Realm of the Mad God (ROTMG) Hacked Client 16.2.0; Realm of the Mad God Hacked Client 16.1.0 Realeased; Kabams “temporary dupe fix” Untiered Items (UTs) are now soulbound for ever (ROTMG) ROTMG items generators, gold hacks, fame hacks, item cheats ect. Update: ROTMG Hacks 14.1 (Build 14.1.0) Popular ROTMG Tags. Your soulbound mannikin can use its action to cast Elemental Flux. In doing so, your summon makes a ranged spell attack against a single target it can see within 60 feet of itself. On hit, the attack deals damage equal to 1d6 + your soulbound mannikin's intelligence modifier, of the damage type attributed to the element it is currently summoned as. Your character's overall damage rating, resulting from Damage, Critical Damage and Critical Hit. CH = min(CH / 100, 1) CD = 1 + CD / 100.

Geb is one of the three bosses of the Tomb of the Ancients, along with Bes and Nut. He is considered the attacker of the Tomb.

The Realm Eye says:
Along with Bes and Nut, Geb is one of the oldest deities in the realm. In ancient times, he was a god of the earth.
As time passed, they were slowly forgotten and abandoned by most worshippers. Angered by this betrayal, the trio became wrathful.
To prevent the old gods from clashing with the new, their former acolytes now perform inhibition ceremonies on sarcophagi, trapping them in the sands of time.



HP: 41,250 (+10.8% [4,455] to 111.6% [46,035] per player in dungeon)
DEF: 30
EXP: 20,000
Location: Tomb of the Ancients

Counts towards God kills
Level 1 Quest



Speed (tiles/sec)
Slowed for 5s
Ignores defense of target
Shots hit multiple targets
Shots hit multiple targets
Radius: 4
Radius: 4
Radius: 4

Rotmg Soulbound Damage


Awakening Phase

Upon being awakened, Geb circles around the boss room. He does not fire any bullets. After a certain amount of damage, he fires rings of weakening bullets and begins to rapidly fire pairs of fire magic bullets at players and throwing red bombs. If more damage is dealt to him, he will fully awaken and move on to the next phase.

Battle Phase
Nut, protect me at once!
My artifacts shall destroy you from your soul to your flesh!

Geb stops firing the rings of weakening bullets and adds radial bursts of fire magic and green boomerangs to his attacks. He also fires shotguns of Darkness Bolts aimed at the nearest player. As he takes damage, the number of his projectiles and frequency of his attacks increase. He may also fire a messy barrage of Fireballs that float around.

Occasionally Geb will flash and start hugging one of the other tomb bosses, or one of the other tomb bosses will flash and start hugging Geb.

Rotmg Soulbound Damage List

At a certain amount of damage, Geb starts spawning Nile Artifacts and Scarabs, and he begins to toss low-damage bombs with an extremely wide blast radius. When his health is low enough, he moves into his rage phase.

Rage Phase
Argh! You shall pay for your crimes!

Geb will flash red, temporarily become invulnerable, and become stationary while firing all of his attacks simultaneously. He will slowly back away from players when approached, and will jump back into the middle of the room should he be backed into a wall. Note that he continues to spawn Nile Artifacts and Scarabs in this phase.


Nile Artifact


Note: drops in its own bag after all three tomb bosses are defeated.
Pet Eggs
Geb’s Artifact Pet Skin
Wine Cellar Incantation
Wand of Geb

Tips and Strategies

When Geb is in rage mode, it can be very difficult for melee classes. It is advised to bring ghost pirate rum if you do not have a ranged class or rogue during the tomb.

Rotmg How Much Dmg For Soulbound


In Ancient Egyptian mythology, Geb was the God of the Earth.

So a few months ago duping became popular a second time, after Kabam had obviously failed to patch it. – As some of you might remember, the first time people duped, it pretty much ruined the game due to inflation and the lack of motivation to play the game.

So the second time duping started, Kabam quickly came up with a solution that benefited themselves more than the players: They quickly mad all UT items soulbound (untradeable) and started selling t12 items in the nexus. They said this was going to be a “temporary solution”.

Having made an unexpectedly high amount of money from selling items in the nexus, Kabam then presumably decided to never ever go back to the way things were before. They might have been able to patch the exploit. But there was no way they would miss out on selling them sweet t12s and making a ton of money through pay to win in Realm of the Mad God.

Realm of the Mad God forums (Wildshadow Forums) cesored
Whenever someone tries to point out their lie on the forums, the thread gets deleted within a few minutes. All the people that see through the Lies get censored and laughed at by the people that are weird enough to keep using these forums.

So this is basically the only way I can address this issue… through a hacking blog. 😀

Please don’t let Kabam destroy ROTMG completely guys.

CU, Astralion