Rimworld Best Animals To Tame

Description Injects hybrid animal genes in an humanoid. Genetrainers give a series of abilities related to a particular animal or animal group. Genetrainer repurposing unlocks the jury rigging of mech serum neurotrainers, healers and resurrectors to craft genetrainers. Genetrainers are implants that do not take the place of any given organ. Only one can be 'installed' at a time. As for animals you are likely to encounter in the wild, Huskies are going to be be the best bet, I think. I've heard some players say they are partial to some of the other canines, such as wargs, but as wargs are 'strict' carnivores, I'd think they'd only be good with something like a. Like the title says I am wondering what are good animals. I am doing a one person start and I started with two artic foxes why because they are my favorite animal in this game. But I am wondering what are some good animals to have keep in mind I only have two people right now. The fighting is dangerous so I kinda want to get some battle animals and maybe one or two food/resource animals.


'A gigantic, graceful creature of unknown origin. The thrumbo is gentle by nature, but extremely dangerous when enraged. While its long fur is exceptionally beautiful, its hide is also incredibly resistant to damage. Its razor-sharp horn fetches a huge price. Legends say that an old thrumbo is the wisest creature in the universe - it simply chooses not to speak.'

Base Stats

Animals – Wild
Market Value


Armor - Sharp
Armor - Blunt
Armor - Heat

Pawn Stats

Move Speed
Mass - Young
56 kg
Mass - Juvenile
140 kg
Mass - Adult
280 kg
Health Scale
Body Size
Carrying Capacity
Filth Rate
Hunger Rate
herbivorous and dendrovorous
Life Expectancy
Manhunter Chance
Manhunter Chance (Taming)
Trainable Intelligence
Minimum Handling Skill
Maturity Age
4.0 years
Comfortable Temp Range
-65°C - 50°C


Meat Yield
360 thrumbo meat
Leather Yield
120 thrumbofur
Gestation Period
60 days
Offspring Per Birth

Melee Combat

22 dmg (scratch)
33% AP
110 ticks (1.83 secs)
Average DPS

Thrumbos are large, powerful animals not native to any biome, instead appearing in all biomes through a random event.

  • 1Analysis


Thrumbos are difficult, but rewarding, to kill. They are are extremely powerful and a rampaging one can threaten the entire colony. Take precaution when attempting to hunt them. They can move faster than a colonist and their horn inflicts massive damage. Never, ever engage them except on favorable terms.

However, should you kill one, the rewards are significant. They yield the most meat of any animal when butchered, tied only with Elephants and Megasloths. The horn is both valuable, worth 800 silver, and a fairly powerful melee weapon equivalent to an excellentsteellongsword. Note however that Juvenile thrumbos will not drop horns. Their fur is itself valuable to sell, but also makes some of the most valuable and highly protective clothing in the game - a Thrumbofur duster is worth over a thousand silver, is almost as protective against sharp damage as a steel plate armor and can be worn with a flak vest.


An incapacitated Thrumbo is an excellent opportunity to train healing skills as they can sustain dozens of treatable wounds and still survive. There is also a small chance the doctor may bond with the animal, netting you a free pet thrumbo.



Hunting tactics

BestRimworld Best Animals To Tame
  • Trap: By building a room around while it sleeps, you can inebriate it by storing beer within and it will eventually pass out / die. Another option is to set the room on fire to kill it from burning or heatstroke. However, the second way is less profitable since the horn will catch fire (losing HP thus decreasing its value) and is also not reliable as the thrumbo may break out before you successfully down it. Starving it does not work for the same reason.
  • Kiting: Using a fast colonist (at least 120% Moving; use bionic legs or Go-juice) as bait, lure it through a firing squad or turrets laying fire from a distance. If your colonist is fast enough he can even land a few shots before running again. Just make sure your kiting colonist is always the closest to the raging beast otherwise it may give up and attack something else instead.
  • Turret overhaul: You can easily get a lot of firepower against the thrumbo. It's rather cheap, but effective. Place many turrets in a chosen area, maybe your crop fields or just an empty area. Then, trigger the Thrumbo to attack and escape inside the colony (Make sure all colonists are drafted/ restricted to minimize death risk). The automatic turrets will do the rest shredding our target to pieces. You can lose a turret or two, but even if they are destroyed, they may explode, dealing damage. Just make sure that the explosions don't destroy the other turrets.
    • It's possible to combine ranged ganking with turrets, but do it ONLY if you are trusting your firepower.
  • Peek-a-boo: Have all your colonists shelter inside, then have pawns take turns peeking out of doors and taking potshots, then retreating behind the doors when the Thrumbo closes in. Repair the doors as the Thrumbo pounds them until it gives up, then rinse and repeat (many, many times). Be careful with doors made of weaker materials as the thrumbo may break them down before the constructors can repair them in time, and enter your base to cause absolute mayhem.
  • Melee ganking: If and only if you have enough melee fighters with good equipment, you can rush the Thrumbo down. You will need at least 4 very well-armored colonists, or 6 modestly armored colonists. Have all your fighters be fully armored, and equip the highest damaging melee weapon they can find, such as the Longsword. You can combine this with a firing squad to chip at the thrumbo while your brawlers cut it down; in this case, it's best that you outfit them with shield belts to prevent friendly fire. Note that your colonists are bound to lose a hand or two so have a replacement ready.
  • Animal ganking: Similar to melee ganking with your colonists, except with your more expendable battle animals. Draft a trainer who has animals trained with Release assigned to him, provoke the thrumbo with ranged fire, then hit 'Release animals' for the trainer, and watch as the thrumbo is helplessly swarmed by your angry horde of whatever. Ranged fire provides good support for this, but remember never to let your bonded animals into battle as they have a great chance of dying and giving their master a long-lasting poor mood.
  • Hunter stealth: A pawn with sufficiently high hunting stealth and range (from a sniper or bolt-action rifle) can inflict fatal wounds on the Thrumbo with a relatively low risk of aggroing. After 4 or 5 hits the animal can be left alone to slowly bleed to unconsciousness.
  • Sniper: A pawn with a sniper rifle and bionic eyes can take down a Thrumbo alone, totally undetected even when maddened and passing by relatively close.
  • Food as bait: On maps with no trees, Thrumbos, like all other animals denied their food source, will seek out any available food to consume. Thrumbos can therefore be lured into areas with food, through traps, into kill boxes, into slowing terrain etc. making it easier to kill.
  • Beer as bait:Beer sates a small amount of hunger, so it can be used as bait as above. But it also takes 35 beers to satisfy a thrumbo, which is enough to get it to 96% drunk, and thus induce unconsciousness. For 35 beers per thrumbo, it is perfectly safe method of killing them, but only on the right type of map.
  • Artifacts: Shoot with a psychic shock lance, rendering it unconscious. Assign a colonist to hunt it and they can slit its throat with no danger and no risk of damaging the valuable horn.
    • Alternatively, shooting with a psychic insanity lance will make the Thrumbo attack anything on sight including other Thrumbos around, meaning that they will kill or at least incapacitate each other. Maddened Thrumbos will attack and even kill other animals until they die or get incapacitated, this could be used on your advantage to get dead animals without actually sending your colonists to hunt them, provided that the thrumbo is downed or you can outrun the thrumbo.
    • If you're really feeling like overkill then shoot the thrumbo herd with an orbital bombardment targeter or orbital power beam targeter. Even then, thrumbos are so tough they may survive.
  • Raid Baiting: Attacking a Thrumbo during a raid can, with a long range weapon and good timing, cause it to attack the raiders instead of your colonists. Either the raid will kill the Thrumbo or the Thrumbo will force the raid to flee - at which point you can finish off the weakened loser.
  • Attack while Thrumbos Leave: When Thrumbos start to leave the map, they move slowly and won't attack even when angered. You still need good firepower to stop them before they leave, and to be quick as there is no notification. It may be easier to tell when they're leaving if they're a large group, as they will all move to the end of the map.
  • Psycasts: If Royalty is enabled, psycasts such as Stun, Burden and Skip can make kiting the Thrumbo significantly safer and easier.


One of the hardest animals to tame, even at level 20 you may only have a 1% chance to tame it. Additionally, thrumbos have a 1.8% chance to turn manhunter on a failed taming attempt, making a wild thrumbo more likely to attack its handler, even on the best of terms, likely incapacitating or killing the handler. The best method of training a Thrumbo is therefore capturing a wounded Thrumbo and healing it, as your doctor has a chance of bonding with the animal for each attempt. Alternatively, a taming inspiration can be used, assuming the inspired pawn has sufficient skill to attempt it.

Successfully tamed Thrumbos are of little everyday use to a colony when compared to ordinary dogs, sporting a voracious appetite and a high resistance to training. Their high wildness means keeping them trained and tamed will require an inordinate amount of handler time. Carry mechanics do not allow the Thrumbo to carry multiple stacks of items despite its strength.

Still, Thrumbos have significant utility in combat. Being extremely tanky melee fighters, they can be used as a last line of defense against an infestation or mechanoid drop. Additionally, Doomsday rocket launchers are highly dangerous in the late-game, capable of one shooting colonists from a long range. With Thrumbos, however, one can release them and let them tank these rockets. Thrumbos can tank 5-6 volleys without being downed due to their high hit points, making the raiders exhaust their rockets for some easily treated wounds. Thrumbos usually manage to charge into groups of raiders, which can even cause the raiders to use their rockets in friendly fire, single-handedly dispatching raids while your colonists remain completely safe themselves.

Although extremely difficult to achieve, taming one Thrumbo of each sex will allow the colony to breed yet more Thrumbos, resulting in a potentially inexhaustible source of their valuable fur and horns. However their long gestation period makes this more time intensive than other animals. Also keep in mind that keeping them tame to build a sufficient breeding herd will likely totally monopolize your handlers' time.

Thrumbos are slaughtered in one hit like any other tame animal, so killing them this way is not dangerous at all.

9 hours must elapse between taming attempts.

Thrumbos may be affected by the '<Animal> Self-tamed' or 'Manhunting <Animal>' events.


This animal can be trained as follows:

Rimworld best animals to tame minecraft

Rimworld Best Attack Animal


*As of version 1.1.2610, all animals can be tamed. The percentage of likelihood of success depends on factors such as the Animals Wildness Percentage, Pawn Handling Skill, and others. More information can be found on the Animals#Animal_husbandry page.


Body partHealth
Eye [1]
(left, right)
(left, right)
(left, right)
(left, right)
(left, right, fore, hind)
(left, right, fore, hind)
  1. Located inside of Head.
  2. inside of Body.

Version history

  • 0.12.910 - Now much more powerful in combat
  • Beta 19/1.0 - Hunger rate 4.5->3.5
  • 1.1 - Changed rare thrumbo incident to send from 2 to 6 thrumbos. Previously could spawn with only 1 thrumbo
Alpaca • Bison • Boomalope • Capybara • Caribou • Cassowary • Chicken • Chinchilla • Cow • Deer • Donkey • Dromedary • Duck • Elephant • Elk • Emu • Gazelle • Goat • Goose • Guinea pig • Hare • Horse • Ibex • Megasloth • Muffalo • Ostrich • Rhinoceros • Sheep • Snowhare • Squirrel • Turkey • Yak
Alphabeaver • Thrumbo
Boomrat • Grizzly bear • Human • Husky • Iguana • Labrador retriever • Megascarab • Megaspider • Monkey • Pig • Polar bear • Spelopede • Raccoon • Rat • Tortoise • Wild boar • Yorkshire terrier
Arctic fox • Arctic wolf • Cat • Cobra • Cougar • Fennec fox • Lynx • Panther • Red fox • Timber wolf • Warg

Rimworld Best Hauling Animal

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