Reverse Zoom In Rhino

This is an advantage, if you need full engine power in a tight spot where you need to back out. If you ground the wire out the reverse indicator light will never come on, even in reverse. There is a bit of a safety issue when the machine can travel just as fast in reverse as forward and the operator is not alert to the possibility. Rhinoceros 3D: Learn to use Rhino with tutorials on Rhino for Windows, Rhino for Mac, SubD Modeling, Jewelry, Grasshopper, Rendering, Drafting and Printing, Digital Fabrication, Developer Tools. Spare REVERSE character wheel for the Dymo Rhino M1011. Replacement for the REVERSE wheel supplied in the kit. The wheels are available in reverse or standard, please make sure you know which one you want. If the wheel you are replacing says 'reverse image' on it then this is the correct one. If it does not then you want the standard one. Quicker Trimming. Trimming lines is often a hassle. Luckily, Rhino offers a variety of ways to trim.

Where can I find this command?






The Mouse options control mouse operation for selecting and dragging.


Mouse group select



Drag a rectangle from left to right for window select. Drag a rectangle from right to left for crossing select.

Crossing Box

Always uses a crossing selection unless you use SelWindow command.

Window Box

Always uses a window selection unless you use SelCrossing command.

Note: Force a window/crossing/combo selection any time by pressing Alt and dragging with the left mouse button. This lets you start your window/crossing very near objects that would otherwise be selected by a single pick.

Middle mouse button

Choose what action is performed either by clicking the middle mouse button on a three-button mouse or by pressing the wheel on a wheeled mouse.

Most-recently used commands popup menu

Pops up two-part menu at the cursor location. You can list your favorite commands in the top section. The bottom section is the list of most recent commands used.

Popup this Toolbar

Choose a toolbar to pop up at the cursor location. Create a toolbar containing your favorite commands or object snaps to use as a pop-up toolbar.

Run this Macro

Lists a series of commands that run when you click the middle mouse button.

Manipulate view

Note: Click and hold to access the default middle button actions: Popup menu, Popup this toolbar, or Run this macro.

Pan (press Alt to rotate; press Ctrl to zoom)

Pans the view.

Alt + middle mouse button rotates the view.

Rotate (press Shift to pan; press Ctrl to zoom)

Rotates the view.

Reverse Zoom In Rhino Software


Shift + middle mouse button pans.

Ctrl + middle mouse button zooms.

Swap pan and zoom (press Ctrl to pan; press Shift to zoom)

Swaps the Shift and Ctrl key behavior for middle mouse button.

Shift + middle mouse button zooms the view

Ctrl + middle mouse button pans the view.

Note: To reverse the mouse wheel zoom direction, set the Zoom Scale factor to a value larger than 1 in View Options

Click and drag

Drag selected objects only

Lets you drag just the objects that are already selected. Enabling this option can prevent accidental dragging.

Control point drag threshold ___ pixels

The distance in pixels you must drag control points before the drag initiates. Set to higher values for high-resolution display. This helps prevent accidental dragging.

Object drag threshold ___ pixels

The distance in pixels you must drag objects before the drag initiates. Set to higher values for high-resolution display. This helps prevent accidental dragging.

Right mouse button

Delayed context menus

Displays a context menu with right mouse click and hold.

Context menu delay ___ milliseconds

Number of milliseconds you must click and hold the right mouse button to display the context menu.

The first option is always to repeat the last command.

Three types of context menus are available:


If no object is selected, actions related to viewport properties appear in the menu.

To customize this menu, see Context Menu Options.


Reverse Zoom In Rhino 8

If you select an object, actions related to that object will appear in the menu.

Control Point

If you select a control point, actions related to that object will appear in the menu.

See: Context Object Menu Options.

Restores the default system values. All custom mouse settings will be lost.

See also

Manage global options: 3D mouse, alerter, aliases, appearance, context menu, display modes, files, general, idle processor, keyboard, libraries, licenses, modeling aids, mouse, plug-ins, render, RhinoScript, selection menu, toolbars, updates and statistics, view.

Reverse Zoom In Rhino Pro

Hello all,
This might be a very simple problem but it is driving me crazy. For some reason using my middle mouse button scrol wheel to zoom in and out in the viewport is not working. I can’t zoom, nothing happens when I scroll the scrollwheel. The scroll wheel works to scroll through menus, I have tried reinstalling rhino, playing with settings everything and I can’t solve the issue. The problem first came up a couple weeks ago but I would just restart rhino and everything would be fine now it happens constantly any help would be appreciated, zooming manually is driving me crazy.