Indian Economy By Mishra And Puri Pdf Download
As you know Indian Economy by mishra and puri 35th edition pdf is very famous among UPSC aspirants. This book helps a lot of students because it covers almost every topic.
Indian Economy by mishra and puri. As you know Indian Economy by mishra and puri 35 th edition pdf is very famous among UPSC aspirants. This book helps a lot of students because it covers almost every topic. If you don’t have any idea about the Indian economy by Mishra and puri Pdf and want to know its content then you can check this.
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Many Toppers like Akshat Jain, Tina Dabi, Anu Kumari suggested this book for the preparation of UPSC.
Indian Economy by Mishra and Puri 35th edition
Misra And Puri Indian Economy Pdf Download
Part I of the book ‘Economic Development: A Theoretical Background’ is divided into three chapters.
It discusses the concepts of economic growth and development, common characteristics of underdeveloped countries, the role of economic and non-economic factors in economic development, the concept of human development, human development index, gender inequality index, multidimensional poverty index, etc., and issues concerning the relationship between environment and development.
Part II discusses the ‘Structure of the Indian Economy’ and consists of thirteen chapters. It is devoted to the discussion of various issues relating to the nature of the Indian economy including the natural resources and ecological issues, infrastructural development, population problem, poverty and unemployment, income growth and inequalities, etc.
Part III of the book ‘Basic Issues in Agriculture’ consists of nine chapters. It starts with a discussion of the role, nature and cropping pattern of Indian agriculture and then takes up for discussion the issues in Indian agricultural policy (including a review of the new global opportunities and challenges facing Indian agriculture in the wake of the various agreements concluded under WTO).
We then proceed to a discussion of agricultural production and productivity trends, progress and failures in the field of land reform, green revolution and its impact on the rural economy of the country, agricultural finance and marketing, agricultural prices and agricultural price policy, the food security system in India, and agricultural labor.
Part IV on ‘The Industrial Sector and Services in Indian Economy’ consists of ten chapters. It starts with a discussion of industrial development during the period of planning and then proceeds to discuss some major industries of India.
This is followed by a discussion of small-scale industries, industrial policy, role and performance of public sector enterprises, the issue of privatization in public sector enterprises, role of the private sector in the Indian economy, CSR (corporate social responsibility), the problem of industrial sickness, and various issues relating to industrial labor (including exit policy).
The last chapter in this part (Chapter 35) discusses the growth of the services sector and related issues.
Part V of the book concerns ‘Foreign Trade and Foreign Capital.’ Consisting of eight chapters, it starts with a discussion of the changes in the composition and direction of India’s foreign trade, and then proceeds to a discussion PREFACE TO THE THIRTY THIRD EDITION (vi) of India’s balance of payments, trade policy, policy relating to foreign capital, exchange rate and capital account convertibility, MNCs (including a discussion on FERA and FEMA), etc.
The last two chapters of this part discuss in detail the opportunities and challenges that the Indian economy faces in the new global environment. We critically examine the overall working of the WTO and also take up for discussion India’s new product patent regime.
Part VI on ‘Money and Banking’ consists of six chapters. It starts with a discussion of the problem of inflation in India and then takes up the discussion of Indian money market, expansion and progress of commercial banking in India, Reserve Bank of India and a critical appraisal of its monetary policy, development of capital market in India and steps taken to strengthen this market in recent years (including steps taken by SEBI) and institutional financing.
Part VII on ‘Public Finance’ contains five chapters. In this part, we start with a discussion of the Indian tax structure. This is followed by a discussion of public expenditure and public debt in India.
The chapter on ‘India’s Fiscal Policy’ in addition to discussing the various aspects of fiscal policy as is being implemented in India, examines the issue of fiscal responsibility in detail. The last chapter of this part focuses on the issues related to federal finance in India. It also discusses the report of the Fourteenth Finance Commission in detail.
Part VIII which is the last part of the book is on ‘Economic Planning and Policy.’ It contains nine chapters. Starting from a discussion of the rationale, features and objectives of planning, we proceed to discuss the strategy of development as envisaged in the various five year plans.
This is followed by a discussion of the financing pattern of India’s five-year plans, sectoral allocation of resources, regional planning in India, the problem of black money, and assessment of planning in India (including a detailed discussion of the post-economic reform period). The last chapter of the book (Chapter 63) considers the Twelfth Five Year Plan in detail.
So, this is a brief introduction to this book. I hope you like this book like many of the UPSC aspirants. Booklary will provide this amazing book. Indian economy by Mishra and puri 35th edition PDF download it easily from here.
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